Hello Internet Friends. It has been a while. I have been very busy with work and traveling. I have to say that this time in Finland has been very productive for me. I like my boss, and I think his work style is very good for me. He checks in a lot, which keeps me moving forward in my projects.
Anyway, I traveled to the Netherlands two weeks ago for the annual meeting of 'Dutch People for Antagonizing Americans Named Brooke' meeting. I was a fruitful meeting. Oh, I also saw my mom and my stepdad while I was there. We had a great time biking around, eating yummy food, visiting castles, watching the 7 up series, working puzzles, listening to podcasts, and shopping! I would normally post photos of the castle now, but they are on my laptop and I am at work. :( I will try to do that tonight.
The Saturday after returning from the Netherlands, I took a trip out to an old farmhouse with the Oulu knitting group. Man, that was a fun trip. The farmhouse is now a store:

It is a store with walls and walls of yarn!! yay!!

I bought some shiny silver yarn to make mittens and a hat for myself. It was a great outing. I got to see the country-side. We had coffee and sandwiches while we chatted. I met some really nice people. I have to say that knitters rock!

After our outing, I biked home and stopped every few hundred feet to look and take pictures of the trees. Fall is a beautiful time.

After all that fun, I had to put my nose to the grindstone at work. I'm frantically filling out job applications and fellowships in hopes of getting one. I've been watching the economy collapse with a mixture of fear and awe. I've also been wondering how I am going to carry all my yarn back to the states.
While I was in the Netherlands, my mother bought beautiful wool yarn for me to make a sweater that I like. It is a birthday gift. I've started the sweater (I will post pictures later), and I'm falling in love with it already. But, it is a thick sweater. I'm going to have to dump my books and other clothes to bring this sweater home. But, it will be worth it.
Speaking of birthdays, tomorrow I turn 34! huzah! Patrick and I will probably go out to eat and enjoy the Irish Festival going on downtown. It should be fun.
Well, this blog was a lot longer than I had intended. But, it has been a while.
Happy birthday! In advance but anyway. And thank you for your company last Saturday. Btw we changed the place for our knitmeets (next one is Sunday 5th of October). We'll meet at the cafe of the culture centre Valve, I think the address is Hallituskatu 7?
happy birthday, love. what a blessed day when you were born!! smiles, me
Thanks for the Birthday wishes!! I had a great and relaxing weekend.
Sanna, are you still interested in trying the felting? I am, if you are. :)
((Maggie Rose)) wish I could've celebrated with you.
happy belated birthday!!! So glad you are doing well and having fun!! Love ya!
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