Friday, February 15, 2008

Thanks Megan for the funny video

I turned in my dissertation to my committee today. It's a relief to have it done, but I don't quite believe it yet. It doesn't feel real. I'm really tired, and I keep thinking "what next? what did I forget? I need to make another plot. I need to make another figure. work. work. work." aahhhhh!!! This anxiety is very clingy.

I'll get used to it and move one to more important things like this:

Actually, now I've got to prepare for my defense and apply for a Jay-Oh-Bee.


Blind Dog Megan said...

CONGRATS! Now go celebrate!

Patrick said...

Yes, get a job and provide me with the lifestyle to which I am accustomed.

Sarah Marie said...

I think you'd better put a stop to those kind of comments from your man-slave...I'm just sayin' that it could be trouble down the road.


Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I LOVE this video.