Saturday, December 01, 2007

My love of knitted goods

I am a huge fan of Mochimochiland, a website of impressive knitted toys. Mochimochiland's imagination, creativity, and skill blow me away.

I'm including "borrowed" images of Mochimochiland's work. Above is a "sleepy snake and mischevious mouse". Below, you see lemmings falling off a cliff into the sea.


Patrick said...

I like the lemmings one.

YogaNerd said...

I do too. I believe that one was made for a gallary. Look at the little feet sticking out of the water....too cute.

Anonymous said...

*chuckle* they are both cute, imo. good sense of humor to 'em.

Blind Dog Megan said...

I love these!!!!

YogaNerd said...

The artist has a pretty fun sense of humor. I really enjoy her work. I can't resist anymore. I will probably buy the sleepy snake pattern from her website.

Sarah Marie said...

Awesome! Knitted art, whoda thunk it?