I'm kind of in a panic today because I have too much on my plate. Trying to finish a dissertation and apply for jobs simultaneously is overwhelming me. I have no experience writing letters of intent and/or cover letters.
This might take a while, and that makes me resentful. I just want to focus on my data. argh.
Serenity NOW!!
i know it doesn't come with a telescope, but i'll be happy to provide you with a job as HeadMaster of His Illustrious Quotidian Affairs. I guess the translation would be Suki's right-hand-lady. You would primarily be responsible for feeding, resting, and sending the occasional fax. The pay is decent- about 4 moist cat treats a day, and I couldn't imagine a better work environment.
sold! Suki now has himself a highly educated "bitch". I'm up for the task! When do I start?
I am so excited that Melissa is coming to town, and that you invited me to hang out! Now I guess we all have to get our work done so it feels good to let loose. Good luck with Serenity Now! I say that to myself all the time because of you.
I need patience, Lord. and I need it NOW!! (I always love that prayer) *chuckle*
I like this serenity now picture because my office really is a garage and I have that feeling a lot. SERENITY NOW!!!
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